You were right, PWM doesent afect on RPM reading.Jarewa pisze:Interruption does not matter if it will be 40% PWM or 60% PWM, the motor controller will behave the same, the most important is the beginning of the pulse. Since the engine driver sees more RPM than it should mean that somewhere it does not connect hall pin2 - ECU either on GND power supply or + so I would look at power supply that would explain 17V
Do you have any vag? then you would give the group log 000
To short story, problem was in relay 30. When i discconect relay I get 17V on hall. Wrong RPM reading was also beacuse bad relay.
Yes I have VAG-COM i was reading RPM on it.
I leave ABT distributor on car, and after relay 30 repair engine works perfectly( I don't know why ABK distibutor have bigger windows on metal sheet? )
Thank you all for your help and time
What is normal ignition angle on idle when engine is warm? I read somewere that it needs to be 6° before TDC at 2000 RPM, but when I set it on that values it doesen't work like it scholud.
It is more like 20-22° on 2000 rpm where engine works best