Is this the first urquattro on the forum?

It is an 1981 urquattro
I bought in january 2013, i could only offord it because the engine was not working, no mechanic in my country was able to make it start, the suspension was still original from 81, the interior is not so good, but it has been repainted in 2009, it has not made a sinlge km from 2006 somewhere, but still it was expensive...

my friends wanted to try the wheels from the compi
after 2 weeks and some new parts, we managed to make it start for the first time for a second or two:
after more € spent on new parts, it already worked well, but could not hold idle...
after some more work, the engine was running and revving nicely, but still it could not hold idle...
the problems with the engine were so many, it is difficult to remember them all. also the fuel reservoir was badly rusted inside, and the rust went from the tank into the k-jet injection and into the injectors...
after 2 months and much € spent i found the idle, but it started dying after 30 sec from starting...
the inside of the fuel tank...
in the meantime, i removed all the suspension parts and took everything to sandblasting and powder coating, also some spare parts...
and assembled
sadly looking

[ Added: 2014-03-08, 21:04 ]
This was in July 2013, when i finally started reassembling the parts
in the meantime i upgraded both front and rear brakes, with girling 60 in front, and 269x20 rear brakes, both were factory specs for the later urquattros
on 15.august, after 7 months in the garage, i have finally put it back on the wheels
but it was still far from the road, as i was working on the injection and suspension, fuel tank, pipes...
finally, on august 27, i made the first 200m with it

the first photos taken on the road
and of course, a few km after those pics were taken, i lost all gears...
the rubber joint on the gearbox selector shaft was so worn out, the shaft has fallen out.
i tied the shaft on with cable ties so i could return home

i have made a little over 400km with it, but the engine was still not working as it should, there was also a strange whining noise coming from it...
at lease the steering wheel was looking nice
but i had overboost problems along with boost leaks, the (!) sign on all the time, the alternator light half on...

i found that the wastegate membrane was busted, it was probably still the original one from 81...
but under it it was even worse, the pipe that controls the wastegate was clogged solid with soot.
that tiny hole right there...
but the exhaust pipe that the pressure runs trough was totally blocked, so i gave up, and connected the WG to the intake manifold, so now clean air drives trough it. oh and a new WG membrane was installed too...
but still i had boost leaks :-x
after more time and € spent...
and after many days spent thinking and working on the engine...
the engine started working really nicely (for a 30+ years old car)